Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Marijuana Smokers of Today

Marijuana is drug that is used be everyday american and famous americans alike. Many wealthy and well respected man have smoked and support marijuana such as: Al Gore, Bill Clinton, Lill Wayne, and Richard Branson. 

Although, the government wants to hid that fact from people, because they use stereotyping to make people believe the marijuana culture is dark. They want people to be afraid of “hardcore drug dealers, and the gangster, thuggish criminals” that use and support marijuana. But that is not truly the case, not only do average everyday people support and use marijuana, many famous well-known people have also smoked and supported the legalization cause. This includes past and present presidents and politicians, movie stars, musicians, authors,  and my other people of high stature. 

Even our current president has smoked marijuana before, and many people criticized him on that fact. Which goes to show how people judge marijuana users because they are partaking in a criminal act. But if marijuana was to be legalized then the government would not continue to put out their stereotypical ideologies about the marijuana industry. 

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