Wednesday, April 11, 2012

First thoughts on Project

I feel this project is going to be fun and interesting, and it being a group project only solidifies that farther. I believe having several difference voices talking about the same cause in one blog will make our point clear to multiple people. Also, this project reminds me of the first project we had, a blog about something we have a strong passion in. Which not only allows the blog to reach deeper into the subject. But also is seen as a relatable source, one which the readers can side with. Although, this project takes it to a different level because the issue we are righting about is a publicly debated controversy, and is not just within our class.

Also, this project is going to be more intertwined with media, discussions and online networking. That is going to make it the most technologically advanced project we have had to complete, and I am excited to see how it all comes together. A huge advantage for getting our cause across is that ability to post a video and explanation on the site. There are a lot of good documentaries and T.V series that show support for our cause. That brings me the best part of this project.

The ability to discuss several social issues and then form our groups based off which topic we chose. Allowing people to talk about what issues that have passion for and allowing other peoples to express their passion for that topic as well. My group’s topic is “Drug Reforms” more specifically the legalization of marijuana. We collectively support the legalization of marijuana nation wide, are hope to prove and explain why it should be legal. Providing information on the history of marijuana, medical use, state laws, and ultimately why is should be legal. 

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