Thursday, April 5, 2012

"Digital Natives as Self-Actualizing Citizens"

The main concept that the author is trying to get across is that, todays school system lack the appropriate teaching methods to reach the youth. Todays youth are different then those of the past, because they are wrapped up in the world of technology. That they are greatly influenced by social networking, connecting with people, media, and other influence online. The author breaks down society into two different groups.

Dutiful Citizens (older century), these types of people are characterized by ridged views and roles in life. They feel obligated to be part of government-centered activities and take part in voting, and believe heavily in the information mass media supplies. Growing up these people were not as intertwined in technology as the other group the describes.

The new age group, Actualizing Citizens, which do not feel as obligated to take part in government-centered activities as well as vote. Also, they have less trust in the mass media due to the fact that they supply false media. But they do have an increasing favoritism towards networking and online relations, not online interacting through it but gaining information too.

Due to this the author suggest there be a hybrid teaching method. Using both standard teaching techniques combined with the use of various types of media, that would be relatable to them.

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