Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Closing thoughts on the Project.

As we wrap up this project, I want to take a chance to reflex on the experience as a whole...

I thought the project was as I first predicted, a fun and important way to get involved in a social and political issue. Although, the group aspect did not quite work the way I was hoping. I found it kind of hard to get together as a whole sometimes. Also, it was a little tricky to make sure you did not repeat what another group member said. Besides the group aspect falling short a little, I also thought the whole inter-linking technology failed too. Even after dealing with those set back I still enjoyed the project.

When we have to write the feed back for the company, there are defiantly a couple software problems they need to workout. Including being about to post under media instead of it just being a caption because then it reads funny on the page. Also, they need to add more headers and customization aspects to the website. Which will allow the authors to make their blogs more personalized and appalling to the readers.

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