Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Closing thoughts on the Project.

As we wrap up this project, I want to take a chance to reflex on the experience as a whole...

I thought the project was as I first predicted, a fun and important way to get involved in a social and political issue. Although, the group aspect did not quite work the way I was hoping. I found it kind of hard to get together as a whole sometimes. Also, it was a little tricky to make sure you did not repeat what another group member said. Besides the group aspect falling short a little, I also thought the whole inter-linking technology failed too. Even after dealing with those set back I still enjoyed the project.

When we have to write the feed back for the company, there are defiantly a couple software problems they need to workout. Including being about to post under media instead of it just being a caption because then it reads funny on the page. Also, they need to add more headers and customization aspects to the website. Which will allow the authors to make their blogs more personalized and appalling to the readers.

Marijuana Smokers of Today

Marijuana is drug that is used be everyday american and famous americans alike. Many wealthy and well respected man have smoked and support marijuana such as: Al Gore, Bill Clinton, Lill Wayne, and Richard Branson. 

Although, the government wants to hid that fact from people, because they use stereotyping to make people believe the marijuana culture is dark. They want people to be afraid of “hardcore drug dealers, and the gangster, thuggish criminals” that use and support marijuana. But that is not truly the case, not only do average everyday people support and use marijuana, many famous well-known people have also smoked and supported the legalization cause. This includes past and present presidents and politicians, movie stars, musicians, authors,  and my other people of high stature. 

Even our current president has smoked marijuana before, and many people criticized him on that fact. Which goes to show how people judge marijuana users because they are partaking in a criminal act. But if marijuana was to be legalized then the government would not continue to put out their stereotypical ideologies about the marijuana industry. 

Monday, April 16, 2012

Marijuana INC.

CNBC, produced a documentary special on the legalization marijuana and how it affects the economy.  Marijuana Inc, which in my opinion is a great special on the marijuana industry in parts of the U.S and tries to support both sides of the controversy fairly. Although, it falls short on the non legalization defense, not offering strong reasons why it should not be legalized.

One major concrete concept that is carried throughout the entire course of the show; is the economic value it offers this country. In Mendocino County, California, the growing and distribution of marijuana is a huge economic market. Tying an entire county together into a profitable business. Without that business the town would not survive, there would be an economic collapse from the big time growers all the way down to the “Mom and Pop” shops. The biggest part that proves how marijuana supports economy is the government makes huge amounts of money of taxing the growth. Besides the huge economic value, the special also points out how average, everyday people have been affected in a positive way by growing marijuana legally.

As I said the documentary special tries to show both sides to the controversy, but I feel that not all of the “darkside” points are strong sound arguments. Law enforcement stated that, it creates violence not only with robberies and house invasions, but also with Mexican drug lord connections. They believe, that the Mexican influences happens not only with marijuana being secretly smuggled in from Mexico. But also that mexican's are grow marijuana illegally in our woods and national parks. I believe that both of those problems could be solved with one solution, that is legalization! By legalizing marijuana, we could keep the growth and distribution in country so we wouldn’t have to have to import Mexican grown marijuana. Which would eventually cut of the connection stopping so violence and also help the economy grow. This inability to provide solid arguments and reasoning behind keeping marijuana illegal proves just as the documentary states at the end. 

The DEA (drug enforcement Agency) is fighting a losing battle!

Influence of Bob Marely

Bob Marley as many know was an avid marijuana smoke, and supporter for its legalization!
His music takes a lot of influence from his Rastafarian background as well as the society around him. Singing songs not just about marijuana but songs about fighting for what you believe in. Songs including: Legalize it, Get up Stand Up, One Love, and many more. Bob Marley’s music not only took influence from the society around him but more importantly it had a big influence on that culture.

Bob Marley’s music was influencing the culture at a crazy time in American history, where people tried to live as free as they could, and drugs were a huge part to peoples’ lives. But if you look back that crazy culture also, had a huge movement for peace and equal justice. Just as Bob Marley sings about, in his music that is relax, laid back and enveloped in marijuana use.

 Influence that culture with his song, "Get Up Stand Up", which talks about fighting for your own rights and getting what you deserve. This fits our theme perfectly because we are trying to stand up for our right to support and smoke marijuana with out getting in trouble. Another influential song that again conveys a positive message is, "One Love". This song talks about people coming together to solve problems, which in a way is what we are doing in this group project. 

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

First thoughts on Project

I feel this project is going to be fun and interesting, and it being a group project only solidifies that farther. I believe having several difference voices talking about the same cause in one blog will make our point clear to multiple people. Also, this project reminds me of the first project we had, a blog about something we have a strong passion in. Which not only allows the blog to reach deeper into the subject. But also is seen as a relatable source, one which the readers can side with. Although, this project takes it to a different level because the issue we are righting about is a publicly debated controversy, and is not just within our class.

Also, this project is going to be more intertwined with media, discussions and online networking. That is going to make it the most technologically advanced project we have had to complete, and I am excited to see how it all comes together. A huge advantage for getting our cause across is that ability to post a video and explanation on the site. There are a lot of good documentaries and T.V series that show support for our cause. That brings me the best part of this project.

The ability to discuss several social issues and then form our groups based off which topic we chose. Allowing people to talk about what issues that have passion for and allowing other peoples to express their passion for that topic as well. My group’s topic is “Drug Reforms” more specifically the legalization of marijuana. We collectively support the legalization of marijuana nation wide, are hope to prove and explain why it should be legal. Providing information on the history of marijuana, medical use, state laws, and ultimately why is should be legal. 

Thursday, April 5, 2012

"Digital Natives as Self-Actualizing Citizens"

The main concept that the author is trying to get across is that, todays school system lack the appropriate teaching methods to reach the youth. Todays youth are different then those of the past, because they are wrapped up in the world of technology. That they are greatly influenced by social networking, connecting with people, media, and other influence online. The author breaks down society into two different groups.

Dutiful Citizens (older century), these types of people are characterized by ridged views and roles in life. They feel obligated to be part of government-centered activities and take part in voting, and believe heavily in the information mass media supplies. Growing up these people were not as intertwined in technology as the other group the describes.

The new age group, Actualizing Citizens, which do not feel as obligated to take part in government-centered activities as well as vote. Also, they have less trust in the mass media due to the fact that they supply false media. But they do have an increasing favoritism towards networking and online relations, not online interacting through it but gaining information too.

Due to this the author suggest there be a hybrid teaching method. Using both standard teaching techniques combined with the use of various types of media, that would be relatable to them.