Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Three helpful Tips

I personally do not think that tip list had many help full tips on it overall. But is a good place to go for directional information and links to other parts of the website that could be of use. However, there were some tips that I did think could be helpful.

The first tip that I believe to be the most helpful is the one about tone. Tone is very important to your travel entry because its what will make the readers decide if they like and or trust the piece right off the bat. The tip explained how to go about expressing your opinion about the destination in a lively manner to intrigue the reader. Also, it said that because wikitravel is not a formal travel guide they like a nice mix between slang and perfect academic language, expression your point to the fullest, and not make it to general. That could be helpful because it gives you basic formate for your style of writing.

A second tip that I found interesting and imagine could be useful, was the one about editing your location and leaving a comment to explain why it changed. For example if I recommended an nice hotel as a place to stay and then it gets bought out by a different company. I could edit my wikitravel page and explain why I changed the page, so my readers would not just be left hanging. Allowing my readers to trust my guide and be able to use it to aid their travels at any point because it would be up to date and informative on changes to a destination.

The last tip that kind of coincides with the tone tip and could be aid me in my writing of the wikitravel is, designing your page to be not just used online before trips. But to design it so that the traveler could print out the page and bring it with them while they are traveling, and use it in an interactive way. That kind of falls into the tone of your writing as well as the structure of the page. The tip says to not make the page to long and wordy because then its not use during travel. But instead to be descriptive and to the point of the desired location, so that the travel can use it at any point during their travels. I liked that tip because it allows you visualize yourself traveling, asking whether your guide would be helpful at that random point in travel.

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